high intensity bodybuilding workouts

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Beginners Bodybuilding Workout

Beginners Workout to Gain Muscle and Strength

If you are starting a training routine using bodybuilding techniques please get a checkup from your doctor to be sure its appropriate for you. Body building is meant to improve your health now drive you to an early grave.

Here's a good plan for a beginning bodybuilder to start with. It isn't like what you'll read in the glossy mags but its effective. Please start every training session with a proper warm up and stretch. A good warm up routine could go as 10 min on a treadmill or other cardio machine. My preference would be a machine that incorporated upper body movement as well as legs. Perform a very light set of squats or dead lifts as well as a very light set of bench presses. This preps your muscles for activity and significantly decreases your chance of injury.

After warm up:

Do one work set of each exercise 3 times a week for about a month then work these exercises into your routine. If you are an experienced trainer work these in from the beginning.

Perform one work set of each exercise and allow yourself 2-3 mins between exercises. Do the routine every 48 hours or 3 times a week. This is important because studies are showing that 3 workouts a week is more effective for muscle and strength gains than traditional multi-set routines that take a week to recover from. After you've mastered this routine it's time to rotate out with some new exercises.

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